Series Title

At thirty, Sydney Barrington has it all — success, wealth, and beauty. But something is missing. Jarred from her routine by the unexpected inheritance of Broadshire Manor in the Cotswolds of England, Sydney soon finds herself pulled between a prosperous businessman in America and a dashing Navy lieutenant in England.

When a shadowy attorney insists she has no claim to Broadshire Manor after all, Sydney seeks to unlock the mysteries concealed behind every stately door in the mansion. She discovers orphans of war and an old man who lies ill, but what secret awaits in the secluded bedroom upstairs? And what will happen to her personal life and her family business as she unravels the truth of her past?


Book Cover: Willows on the Windrush


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Other Books in the series:
Sagas of a Kindred Heart
Blue Mist on the Danube
Sunrise on Stradbury Square